A small group of Assembly republicans are trying to get rid of
some taxes to save you money. It would mean cutting some of the
taxes on items like gas, toothpaste and deodorant. Things you buy
all the time. It would mean more money in your pocket. But does
it really stand a chance on the voting floor?

The plan calls for elimination of the state sales tax on gas. So
that’s eight cents a gallon. That leaves another 60 cents per
gallon in other state taxes. There would be no sales tax on
hygiene products like soap, shampoo, tooth brushes, toilet paper
and diapers. News10NBC asked what the total loss in revenue to
the state would be with all these cuts. We are still waiting for
that answer.

Onica brooks said, “Given that I drive a BMW and I have that
premium gas, so if I can save anything versus paying $3.77 up to
$4.15, I’m all for the cause.”

Jim Anderson said, “I seriously doubt it. I don’t think the
politicians will let it happen.”

Beverly Voos said, “Shampoo, soap, band aids, I think those are
important things, people need them and should not be taxed.”

But then Beverly Voos asked if the taxes are cut, where does the
state make up the difference? News10NBC asked Assemblyman Brian
Kolb of Canandaigua. He’s the minority leader in the Assembly.

News10NBC’s Berkeley Brean said, “What are you prepared to cut if
you lose this revenue? Because it’s a lot of money.”

Brian Kolb, NYS Assembly Minority Leader, said, “Sure it is, but
when you look at the overall state budget, you’ve got $135
billion. We have the most expensive Medicaid program in the
country. Not sacrificing vital programs, not slash and burn. But
certainly we’ve always advocated that we can spend our money much
more wisely.”

The deadline to submit ideas to the governor’s Tax Relief
Commission is December 6.The governor will announce the ideas he
likes in his state of the state speech early next year. It might
be tough for these ideas because the commission’s charge is to
focus on property and business taxes, not consumer taxes.

The tax proposal only calls for eliminating the state sales tax
on gas (approx $.08)

The hygiene products include: shampoo, conditioner, soap, body
wash, dental floss, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash,
deodorant, antiperspirant, feminine hygiene products including
sanitary napkins and tampons, toilet paper, tissues, razors,
shaving cream, cotton swabs, cotton balls, disposable and
non-disposable diapers, diaper rash ointments, baby wipes.

Joe Mastriano, CPA

Joe Mastriano, P.C. – Unique Solutions to IRS Problems. Joe Mastriano, CPA has owned a licensed professional CPA firm in Texas for over 40 years. After thousands of successful IRS Tax Cases, Joe provides unique solutions to his clients' IRS matters.

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