Criminal Investigations – One More Success For Joe Mastriano, CPA

As of yesterday, we had another client that was saved from the IRS Criminal Investigations (CI) department. After negotiations with the Criminal Investigator assigned to our client, they agreed to drop the charges and moved the case out of the CI department. This is just another example of the type of professional representation we offer here at Joe Mastriano P.C.. In compliance with the tax laws in the US is strictly voluntary and relies heavily on self-assessments. When we as taxpayers deliberately decide to ignore the law, we are subject to the possibility of civil audit or criminal investigations. The IRS is the only agency that can investigate potential criminal violation of the Internal Revenue Code. When the IRS Criminal Investigation department is involved, it could result in prosecution and possible prison time. The conviction rate of the cases that are prosecuted by the Criminal Investigations department is the highest in federal law enforcement. Those that are convicted and sentenced to prison time must still pay their fines, civil taxes and all penalties. Currently, statistical data posted by the IRS states that over 84% of those convicted will be sentenced to an average term of 49 months of prison. Through the relationships we develop with the IRS and our diligent work, we were able to spare our client that opportunity. Some common questions asked by taxpayers about IRS Criminal Investigations:

  • What does the IRS consider to be tax evasion?
  • What does the IRS consider to be tax fraud?
  • Can filing a false return flag my account for the IRS Criminal Investigation department?

Dealing With The IRS Department Of Criminal Investigations And Want Some Help, Contact Us Today!

  • How big of a tax problem must I have before the IRS Criminal Investigation department is notified?
  • Can money laundering be a reason the IRS Criminal Investigation department gets involved?
  • Will the IRS come after me and pursue criminal charges for unfiled tax returns?
  • My company is unable to pay their payroll taxes, am I in jeopardy?
  • Will a money trail, between my company and I, signal the IRS Criminal Investigation department?

If you have questions like any of these, you need professional help. If you are contacted by a Criminal Investigations Special Agent, state that you would like to remain silent until you have retained professional representation. You may be further incriminating yourself by answering their question poorly. Hiring professional representation is the only way to make sure you don’t put yourself in an even bigger hole than you are already in. The IRS knows more than you think! Contact Joe Mastriano, today and get started on resolving your tax problems. With over 30 years of experience and thousands of satisfied clients, we are willing to do the work for you. We will file your returns, meet with the IRS, handle revenue officers, represent you in audits, file for appeals and more. We’ll do whatever it takes to solve your tax problem and get you back into compliance. Call today to speak with a representative. 713-774-4467

Joe Mastriano, CPA

Joe Mastriano, P.C. – Unique Solutions to IRS Problems. Joe Mastriano, CPA has owned a licensed professional CPA firm in Texas for over 40 years. After thousands of successful IRS Tax Cases, Joe provides unique solutions to his clients' IRS matters.

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